In the framework of the "Cooperation with Universities" program, our regular meeting with the students of Medical College after Mehrabyan took place. During the meeting the state of the current labor market and the main ways of finding a job were presented.

We also touched upon the theme of fake, one-day recruitment agencies, which are giving attractive announcements to people, having the intention to earn money and soon close. The students were introduced the ways of identification of this type of agencies.

At the end of the meeting, the students received a number of useful tips for creating a professional resume, presenting druing the interview correctly and making a positive impression on the employer. We hope that this meeting will be useful for students on the way to finding a job.

It should be reminded that according to the  “Cooperation with Universities” program, the graduates of those universities that have signed a contract with Tanger Recruitment company receive the opportunity to register in our company for free, which includes consulting, preparing a resume, professional and psychological testing and evaluation, language skills testing and assessment, etc.