Employers Sectorial Union of Private Employment Agencies has been established under the auspices of the
Employers Sectorial Union of Private Employment Agencies has been established under the auspices of the "Union of Employers". The main objectives of the union are:
- Coordination of the activities of the members of the Union, and the co-related state structures,
- Improvement of the legal basis of the social partnership in the given sector,
- Introducing and advocating the rights and interests of the private employment agencies and the issues of related social-economic relations,
- Sustaining to the development of relations education-labor market in the framework of social partnership,
- Presenting the opinion of the Union in the process of elaboration and approval of related legal acts and codes.
The Chair Employers Sectorial Union of Private Employment Agencies is the Executive Director of "Tanger" Recruitment Agency - Nana Heruni.