Implementation of Labor Protection System
On November 13-th of this year in the business center "Erebuni Plaza" the fifth meeting of the board of the Republican Union of Employers of Armenia took place, which was devoted to the discussion of the topic “the implementation of a national system of labor protection, which is currently in the stage of formation. The plan of concrete actions aimed at the achievement of the efficiency of the final result was being discussed, that is to have zero accidents in the workplace.
It is planned to conduct trainings for specialists after which an international class diploma will be issued. The trainings will be organized by the Republican Union of Employers of Armenia, supported by the International Labor Organization (ILO).
In connection with the correspondence of many companies to international standards it was also noted the relevance and prospects of the project on implementation of labor protection system which will ultimately contribute to the future prosperity of companies.
It should be noted that the recruitment company "Tanger" is a member of the sectorial union of private employment agencies (PEA) of the Republican Union of Employers of Armenia (RUEA), and the director of our company Nana Heruni is the chair of PEA of RUEA as well as is a member of the Board of RUEA.