On June 25, 2014 a round table discussion on the theme “The demand of labor market and the mechanisms of vacancy filling” took place in the business centre Erebuni Plaza, which was organized by “Targeted Initiative for Armenia (TIA)” project together with the Republican Union of Employers of Armenia (RUEA).  

The aim of the organization of the round table was the representation of the project “Targeted Initiative for Armenia” which was directed to the solution of Armenian migrants' immigration and reintegration problems.

In the course of the discussion the project officer Ms. Tigranuhi Tarakhchyan represented the project, its purpose and the main activities. A number of issues relating to the employment problems of migrants were raised and pointed out as well as the professions needed in Armenia were represented. 


The Chairman of RUEA Gagik Makaryan, other members of RUEA, employers, representatives of private employment agencies, members of trade unions participated in the discussion.  

The representative of “Tanger” Recruitment Company actively took part in the round table discussion and made interesting offers.