How We Work.

  • The agency’s consultant’s introduction with the company and its corporate culture, determination basic criteria for selecting the candidates, development a detailed job description, agreement on deadlines, approvement of work schedules.
  • Application for contract and vacancy description.
  • Collection and analysis of information on the relevant segment of the labor market, development methods of candidate selection.
  • Selection of candidates.
  • Resume review, initial telephone interviews, interview with the agency specialist, professional and psychological testing (if needed), recommendation check.
  • Reception of specialist selection application with the introduction of vacancy.
  • Evaluation of the candidates, creation of initial list and preparation for the interview with the employer.
  • Provision of the consultant’s final statement and CVs of the selected candidates.
  • Organization of a meeting between the candidates and the employer.
  • Discussing the results of the meeting, and if approved, coordinating the candidate’s recruitment process, agreeing on working conditions.
  • Assuming working responsibilities by the candidate, accompanying the application during the guaranteed period (if there is a relevant point in the contract).
  • Signing and final counting of the Appendix 2 to the contract and the act of acceptance / delivery of services.
  • Informing other candidates about the decision to reject.

Methods of Searching, Evaluating and Selecting Candidates:

  • Search through Tanger’s database.
  • Posting vacancies on Tanger website and on other social medias.
  • Posting vacancies on about 20 job placement sites.
  • Search for relevant candidates in social medias.
  • Direct search for candidates from the list of currently working employers.
  • Search for candidates through job contacts.
  • Contacting with the special professionals interesting to the client.
  • Partnership with Universities.
  • Participation in professional fairs.
  • Posting vacancies in mass medias.
  • Interviewing the candidates at Tanger’s office.
  • Professional and/or psychological testing.
  • Checking the recommendation.
To apply for staff recruitment in Armenia, please call our office at (+374) 10 275310, (+374) 91 291892, (+374) 77 291892 or email,

Every day we meet talented and unique people. Those who propose new ideas and those who implement them. People who overestimate or on the contrary underestimate their abilities. The professionals who have already achieved success and the aspirants who look forward to a bright professional future. We meet as serious as well as active and humorous individuals. And every time we try to evaluate, understand and feel whether he is the person the employer is looking for. That is why we need to understand you, dear manager, recognize your company and formulate requirements for a new employee in detail.

The old motto "Personnel decide everything" is always up to date. Trust the professionals.