On March 28 and 29 at the  Republican Union of Employers of Armenia (RUEA) a two-day workshop was held on the topic "Strategic Approach to Services Development" which was conducted by Elena Kochmure, the representative of the  International Labour Organization’s (ILO) office in Moscow.

The questions that were discussed during the workshop:

-The current situation and the challenges of RUEA.

-Strategic planning and organizational change, importance, the main components and processes.

-A Strategic Approach to Service Development

-Teamwork: what does RUEA expect from the strategic planning process, what questions should be discussed, and are there any obstacles to be discussed first?

-Teamwork: SWOT - Internal & External Analysis, competitor analysis.

-Strategic Policy Development Services

Among the participants were the representatives of the Republican Union of Employers of Armenia (RUEA) as well as the managing Director of Tanger Recruitment company, Chair of Private Employment  Agencies Sectorial Union of the Republican Union of Employers of Armenia also participated in the round table discussion.