On April 25, 2014 a seminar on the theme "Raising the standard of living of people with disabilities by means of facilitation of their employment" was held at the Republican Union of Employers of Armenia (RUEA). The seminar was organized by the RUEA. 

The aim of the seminar was to highlight and raise issues related to the employment problems of mentally disabled people, to find ways of their integration into the labor market, to organize a meeting between employers and people with disabilities.

During the seminar the coordinator of the NGO "Salvation" Emma Galstyan told about the activities of this organization, about its objectives, role and importance for people with disabilities and their families. She introduced young people having mental problems, their activities and participation in various festivals as well as showed their handmade works: tapestry, paintings, works of design, various objects made of clay. 


Various issues relating to the certain points of the labor legislation of the RA and the activities of the NGO "Salvation" were discussed. Questions raised by people with disabilities were completely answered and a consultation was given to the NGO "Salvation" for more productive activity. 

The seminar was attended by the executive director of RUEA Vahan Simonyan, the coordinator of the NGO "Salvation" Emma Galstyan,the  representatives of state and private employment agencies, employers and mentally  disabled people. Anna Ghambaryan participated in the seminar from the company “Tanger”.